
Bot Bros Automated Trading Service

Bot Bros was a 'family' of automated trading bots for the online game Team Fortress 2.

After spending lots of free time trading in-game items with other players, and seeing the success of automated trading services, my friend and I decided to implement our own. We created a database with thousands of items, their prices that were automatically updated from a community driven pricing API, inventory management logic, and a simple text chat interface for users. We successfully served over 15,000 users and completed over 5,000,000 trades.

Movie Trailer Bot

During COVID-19 lockdowns, some friends and I decided to hold monthly online movie nights. I created this bot to connect to our Discord server so we could easily search for movie trailers and to automatically post popular new movie trailers to help discover new and upcoming releases.

Check out the Movie Trailer Bot source code on GitHub.

Hima Jekyll Theme

The Jekyll theme used on this site.

Hima is a simple Jekyll theme with a focus on accessibility. The Hima source code is publicly available on GitHub. I've tried to make it as accessible as possible by following the A11Y Project's accessibility checklist.